Childhood Chatter
With Ruth Swailes and Jamal C Campbell
Join Jamal and Ruth as they discuss Early Years Child Centred Pedagogy and all that impacts early years practitioners. With special guests.

Ruth has more than 25 years’ experience in primary education, over 20 of them in senior leadership roles including primary headship. Ruth has worked as a School Improvement Advisor, Early Years consultant and moderator in several Local Authorities; supporting leaders and teachers to improve outcomes for pupils. Passionate about Primary education, particularly Early Years, Ruth has taught from Nursery to Y6.
In 2014 she left headship and trained as an Ofsted inspector, combining this role with a number of other roles in education. Ruth currently fulfils a range of different education improvement roles. She works part time as a School Improvement Advisor to several Local Authority schools. Ruth also works with a range of MATS, Teaching Schools Alliances, Academy and LA schools throughout the UK and beyond, providing training, school improvement advice, appraisal, coaching, mentoring and practical advice and support.
In addition to these roles Ruth is the lead developer of the Oxford International Early Years Curriculum with Oxford University Press. She is the winner of the Nursery World Trainer of the Year award 2021.
Ruth is passionate about Education, particularly in the 0-7 phase and is a founding member of the “Firm Foundations” grass – roots Early Years, not for profit organisation which aims to bring high-quality, low cost training to practitioners.

Jamal C
Jamel C Campbell is an Early year Educator, Ey Consultant and Children’s Author. He has been in the industry for over 19 years. Early years is his speciality but he has worked in youth clubs, schools, been a mentor to many and supported children with SEND. Jamel is one of the U.k’s Men in the Early years champions/ ambassadors. He has been featured in the media due to extensive experience and knowledge of the Early years and quirky but effective practice. He has stood on numerous platforms and prestigious establishments as a Key note speaker; St Mary’s University, University of East London, Bath University to name a few. He has written articles for local newspaper the (Catford Chronicle) and for well know education and Early year’s magazines such as; (Optimus education) TES, Famly, FSF/Tapestry and (Early years well-being) magazine. Jamel has featured on CBeebies “Tiny happy people” as an Early years advisor which has been backed by the Duchess of Cambridge and the Bbc’s Bitesize giving transition tips to parents and professionals a like. He has collaborated with many well respected Ey professionals and consultants.
Jamel is passionate about the early years, he stresses the importance of having men in the early years and the importance of having a balanced diverse inclusive work force, curriculum and pedagogy. He has partnered with MITEY (Men in the Early years) which is associated with the Fatherhood Institute and has assisted L.E.Y.F with Extensive research About the effect of having men as part of the Early years workforce.
Hear Jamel share his expertise and talk to other early years special guests in Childhood Chatter.